garffiti wall - design art graffiti alphabeth



garffiri wall - design art graffiti alphabeth
Thirty-five years ago I bought a dilapidated house in North Kensington, London. One of the reasons I bought it was that it sported a magnificent graffito. In those days, graffiti were usually texts, some of them, it was said, written by the poet This one spelt out, in foot-high block capitals, the undeniable truth that "Boredom is counter-revolutionary". When the house was done up, the graffito disappeared. Over the years, the neighbourhood lost all its graffiti one by one, as the pestiferous warren of flats and bedsits was regentrified. The wall that had the one word "Scream" written its full length was repainted, and the grim prediction "This too will burn" was removed from a pillar under the Westway.

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