8 easy steps to making graffiti character


8 easy steps to making graffiti character

Step 1. This is a good move to show you some tips that really attract attention and tricks on how you have to pour illustrations are pictures of graffiti. My article gives tips on eyebrow, eye, face, nose, and mouth.

Step 2. it's time to start your lesson on drawing graffiti character.Start with a circle for the head, and and then add character to the face. and then get a frame for the body.

Step 3. drawing with shapes and lines you draw the second step, and continue to start to sketch, or draw a face. The next thing is to draw the kind of hair. making good shape.

Step 4. continue to proceed step-3. and will produce full of hair. and create a character hat.

Step 5. add holes to adjust the straps hat, and then draw a linedetailing on the lid as well. When finished, pull out your hair reallycurly or wavy, and then pull out the eyes, nose, mustache, andbeard stubble small triangle. Furthermore, the color of the hair, including sideburns, and then pulled out an early form of the fingerwhich will press down the spray can. Finally, draw the right side ofhis jacket.

Step 6. Finish hand, and then began to pull out a spray can like so.You then will continue to attract a jacket like you see here, and thenmove to the next step.

Step 7. Are finished drawing your character with sketch out the pants, and make sure you pull the cuff at the end of the pants orjeans, and then pull out the shoes that somewhat exaggerated insize. Withdraw his right hand, and then began to remove all thelines and shapes that draws you in step one.

Step 8. When all is said and done, your character will look like what you see here. Nos you need to do is color him in, and you've just completed ed tutorial on how to draw graffiti characters.

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